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Checkout Configuration Options Full

The Flower Store In a Box software allows significant configuration to customise the checkout experience to meet your specific business needs.  Most of these additional configuration settings can be managed through Checkout Settings.

In addition to the features that are displayed below we can also remove and rename fields to further increase the customisations.

This is especially useful for florists in international locations where there may not be such things as suburbs or states.

The checkout can also be viewed in additional languages as well.

The standard checkout with no addtional features turned on looks like the screenshot below.

Standard Checkout with no alterations

User Login Options

The checkout allows customers to login to an existing account either through entering a password or by usingthe single sign on functionality of a Facebook App.

Checkout Login Options

Facebook App Login details can be found under Main Settings :: Social Settings and require that you have a developer Facebook account and a valid App for your domain that is published.

Billing Information

Billing Options hidden

The Billing information can be configured with:

  • A quick join now option to enter a password with a custom label
  • Billing Company Name (required for some businesses)
  • Purchase Order

These are normally hidden when the checkout is first viewed but they can also be set to alwys visible as well.

Biling Options Visible

The checkout itself only requires the Name, Email and Phone number of the person making the order.

Recipient Main Details, Card Message and Date

Recipient main details

Suggested Card Messages

In additon to the required information you can add Suggested Card Messages whcih can be clicked and then edited byt he customer.

Send Flowers Anonymously

There is an option for a checkbox to hide the card message for the customer to send the flowers anonymously.

Card length

The card message length can be controlled so you can limit how many characters the customer can enter whisch is useful if you hand write cards to stop people from writing war and peace!

Blocking Dates

You have the ability to block dates so customers cannot choose them, if a date is blocked or past it is not able to be selected.

Delivery Times and Costs

the checkout can be customised with delivery time options that can also have additional costs charged which are charged on top of the delivery costs allocated.

Delivery Times

You can also restrict whether a delivery time is available for same day deliveries or not.

Recipient Address

This is the important part for a florist checkout that limits the 

Recipient Address

In Store Pickup

You can have an in store pickup option or multiple if you have multiple stores.  Fully controlled with easy to add addrseses.

Building Type

You can select whether you would like the customer to choose what type of delivey location the order is going to.

Doorman on Site

A customised checkbox to indicate whether there is a doorman on site.

Nursing Home and Hospital Address Lookup

You can add adresses that customers can use to auto fill local addresses

Delivery Suburbs

There are severeal options for delivery suburbs, you have these as a drop down (displayed) or an auto lookup or not looked up at all.

Postcode and State

Both these option can be removed from the checkout, or renamed. you can also customise the states in the state drop down.

checkout summary

There are several additional options that you can customise in the checkout process.

Afterpay Integration

Afterpay integrates seamlessly into the checkout and shows the amount in 4 equal payments along with a modal window for more information.

Terms and Conditions

You can toggle the Terms and Conditions checkbox on or off.

Authority to leave

You can add a label and checkbox asking people to approve the leaving of the order.  This can be labelled in any way you would like to has many uses

Discount Coupons

This can be turned on and off at your discretion.


Added: 2020-4-07 and last modified: 2020-4-08
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