Myweblogin Knowledge Base

404 Handler for broken links and moving websites

When you do a major update of a website from one hosting company to another or you remove a lot of pages or content, you create broken links.  These are 

For each of the old pages linked in Google we need to make what’s called a “redirect.

Start by going to Google and doing a search for all the pages Google has indexed for the old domain name by typoing:

Now you need to go through each one and create a map of the old page to the new page IE the first would be:

And the new page would be:


In the My Web Login under the Settings click the option 404 Handler

In the left hand menu you will see a box with the name Add New Redirect, in this box enter the old url in the field for the Old Page and then the new URL i the New Page field.

You need to do this for every one of the pages listed in Google that you can find on your new website.

If you can’t find the exact page or it no longer exists then choose the most relevant page.  If it’s no longer relevant then ignore the page completely.


Added: 2015-4-01 and last modified: 2018-10-22