Myweblogin Knowledge Base

Embed Video in your website

If you want to embed a video in a webpage we recommend that the video is loaded onto a YouTube account as this ensures the video can be played back in the largest number of devices.

Help files for setting up a YouTube account and adding a video can be found on the YouTube website

Once your video is loaded and visible on YouTube there are a couple of steps involved to add your video to your website.

1) Get the Video Embed Code from YouTube

Go to the video on the YouTube page and scroll down until you see the option:


Then click the Option:


Under this some code will be displayed that looks like this:

Copy this code

2) Create a text file and copy the code 

Open a Text Editor application on your computer and paste the embed code in the text file.

Save this file with a name that helps your remember what the video is IE:


3) Add the file to your file library

Instructions on adding a file to your file library can be found here:

4) Embed the video in the page

Go to the page you want to embed the video in and click the Edit Content button.

Click on the part of the page where you want the video to go and then insert the code:


Make sure you change the joeandjohnsweddingvideo.txt to your own filename.  And also do not forget that you must include /files/ first or the file will not be found.

Save your page and then publish the changes.

5) Test the video on the live website

Have a look at the page on your live website after you have published the page and make sure it all works. You can go back and edit the page and change the location of the video at your will


The Video does not appear on the page:

  • Try publishing the whole site and then refreshing page just in case you have not published your changes.
  • Check that you have embedded the code correctly in the text file, if not delete the file from your file library and start again.
  • Check that your <$ssi="/files/joeandjohnsweddingvideo.txt"> code includes the correct filename AND starts with /file/.  Also check to make sure you use the double apostrophes " around the file location.
  • Check that the filename is correct by loading the file in your web browser, just make sure your domain name is in from and then copy the filename (again with /files/
  • Go back to YouTube and make sure the video is set to Public.


Added: 2013-7-25 and last modified: 2018-10-25